Energy Glass Solar™ Technology
Dramatically Reducing Monthly Greenhouse Electric Costs
“The Energy Glass Solar™ panels have demonstrated their efficacy in maintaining optimal greenhouse conditions without compromising plant growth, development, or the pollination process. The electric producing panels not only provided sufficient energy for greenhouse operations, it also did so in a manner that was harmonious with the natural growth cycles of the tomato crop. This alignment of renewable energy technology with agricultural best practices offers a promising avenue for sustainable and efficient farming practices.”
Energy Glass Solar™ Nanotechnology, used with glass, fiberglass, plastic or plexiglass, reduces the initial cost of a greenhouse by at least 30% via incentives and tax credits, and saves on the yearly cost of electricity. Our technology will enable Energy Glass Solar™ to become a value partner to builders and grow exponentially along with the industry.

“The global commercial greenhouse market size accounted for USD $32.08 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit around USD $78.42 billion by 2032, poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4% from 2023 to 2032.”
“The commercial greenhouse market is expanding mostly due to rapid urbanization and a lack of available arable land. The employment of commercial greenhouses in conventional farming has also been encouraged by changing weather patterns, and this trend will spur the market’s expansion even further. Additionally, one of the main factors influencing the growth of commercial greenhouses is their ability to produce high yields in compared to conventional agricultural methods.”
Worldwide Food Shortage
According to UN studies, the world will need at least 50% more food by 2050 unless we change how we do things today.
For decades the world has witnessed a mounting global agriculture crisis, and more recently the addition of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate shocks & change, war, has added to the dilemma and exposed our fragile agri-food systems that has pushed supply chain to its limit and exposed the US’s reliance on uncertain imports.

Thirty Three Percent (33%) Of Food Is Lost or Wasted As Fresh Produce Spends About Half Of Its Shelf Life In The Shipping Process.
According to the Logistics Bureau, fresh produce averages about half its shelf life on a truck. Therefore, produce with a short shelf life only has maybe a day of freshness remaining once it reaches the market.
Although the concept of transporting produce seems simple enough, there are many complications and each year billions of dollars are lost as food spoils during the transportation process.
Studies by the Logistics Bureau have shown that a staggering 33% of food is lost or wasted and that fresh produce spends about half of its shelf life in the shipping process. This food loss is mainly due to spoilage of the produce while it is being transported, as well as from damage that the fruits and vegetables endure that prevent them from being able to be sold.

Fuel & Transportation Costs Reduced By 80%
An 80% reduction in shipping costs by having greenhouse complexes strategically located across the country would eliminate the tremendous losses incurred by shipping from coastal ports to the mid-section of the country. Fresher, healthier, longer lasting produce would be available nationwide and costs would come down due to a reduction in transportation costs.

The Solutions?
Experts state the best answer to our global food crisis is rapidly building controlled environment agriculture facilities to secure future
food production.
The influential Kiplinger Letter (Forecasts for Executives and Investors)
wrote recently that in the year 2030 “fruit, vegetables and grains will be grown in buildings controlled with artificial intelligence rather than on horizontal land.”
The transition to urban vertical farms by that time has eliminated the need for long-haul trucking and has dramatically reduced the use of fertilizer and pesticides. Unused farmland has reverted to nature. The technical limiting factor…is still energy costs related to lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), Whether or not vertical farms become a game changer will hinge on continued progress in reducing energy costs.
Energy Glass Solar™ Relieves This Problem.
Growing indoors eliminates weather and seasonal constraints and by most estimates, Greenhouse environments typically deliver 30 times higher yields
than open-field agriculture, and due to a completed controlled atmosphere, there
is 365 day a year growing cycle.
Why Vertical/Greenhouse Farming?
Faster growing rates and higher yields to meet the needs of a growing world population
Requires up to 98 percent less water than farming in the open field due to water recycling
Yields fresh produce on a year-round basis
Not impacted by weather fluctuations
Reduces or eliminates agricultural runoffs
Dramatically reduces long haul transportation requirements by offering local production in communities
Can utilize empty commercial structures that already exist in communities
Generates local jobs for the community
Can take pressure off of farmland and allow for ecosystem restoration

Energy Glass Solar™ Technology Addresses & Solves Key Issues for The Greenhouse Industry

Energy Glass Solar™ Nanotechnology, used with glass, fiberglass, plastic or plexiglass, reduces the initial cost of a greenhouse by at least 30% via incentives and tax credits, and saves on the yearly cost of electricity. Our technology will enable Energy Glass Solar™to become a value partner to builders and grow exponentially along with the industry.
Energy costs—primarily associated with lighting—are of major significance in the operation of a greenhouse facility. Lighting is a critical component for growing plants in fully closed environments because it is the primary energy input used by plants for photosynthesis. While the cost of lighting has dropped significantly over the years, the cost of energy has risen.
Heat and air conditioning are still major costs in growing in greenhouses. The cost of glass, plexiglass or plastic is the major building component in greenhouses. Energy Glass Solar™ reduces initial cost of the building but also saves on the cost of electricity yearly.

Innovation in technology and practice will be the key drivers of new developments in indoor greenhouse farming. Energy Glass Solar™ is actively exploring strategic alliances and partnerships with those at the forefront of this industry, positioning itself to be a major contributor for many years to come.